Press releases

GLS Copenhagen is focusing on Video Solution APF video+


The greatest transhipment depot at GLS in Denmark which is also used as country-specific hub has been extended and modernised. In this context also a new video solution has been published which satisfies the special demands on this building and which guarantees the tracking of parcel movements according to the new EU data protection basic regulations. Besides the efficiency especially the intuitive operating concept and the possibility of integration of further components like the sorting unit, APF ident+ etc. have convinced.

Already at the kick-off in Denmark appropriate importance was attached to the significance of the project on the part of AMETRAS. Beside sales and planning engineers also colleagues from the team of the order management have been part of the meeting. The cooperation with the external service provider concerning the installation of the cameras works very well despite certain language barriers. The expectations of the customer could therefore be completely satisfied at every level.

With over 600 cameras and a storage volume of almost 1 petabyte, this installation belongs undoubtedly to the larger installations from AMETRAS in Europe. Thereby brand-new 8MP digital cameras and previous existing analogue cameras have been installed in a hybrid system. In addition to the integration of the sorter controlled by Provis, also a gateway has been installed which transmits images directly to the operative software in the house of GLS. Thus the customer service team can get all necessary information including the corresponding images directly via a button click without having to start the video application. The monitoring of the 120 small parcel bags occurs in accordance with the telegrams out of the conveyor system. This ensures that every drop can be tracked also in the image.

The digital damage processing is a further comfort feature. This means, a responsible colleague can record a damaged parcel in the hall with a smart phone or tablet, complete a damage report electronically and all information are directly transmitted to the video system via an upload function. The clerk in the office then sees the history of the parcel including all damage reports in the completely normal research overview.

The intuitive operation and the almost unlimited possibility of the configuration have finally been the deciding factors. Also the price-performance relationship could convince and completed the total offer.

You can download the complete press release here:
Download: AMETRAS vision Newsmeldung "GLS Copenhagen is focusing on APF video+" (166 KB)