
Mobile damage assessment via app


Damage to the parcel means a cumbersome and time-consuming recording of damage data in freight forwarding halls. The manual compilation of all information into a damage report takes up valuable time and often even leads to disruptions in ongoing operations.

Document damage via smartphone or tablet - without the hassle of changing terminals

With the AMETRAS mobile damage assessment solution, the barcode is scanned and a picture of the damage is taken using a smartphone or tablet. The information from the image and barcode is merged in the app and a damage report is easily created.

Offline documentation possible

A special advantage of the solution: it can also be recorded offline. All data is automatically transferred to the system as soon as WLAN is available.

Can also be used as a stand-alone solution

Mobile damage assessment from the AMETRAS solution portfolio contributes significantly to the automation of processes in freight forwarding halls and can be used as a feature within the video solution APF video+, but also as a stand-alone solution.

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