Reliable scanning of each parcel – even in special cases. For a high throughput.

APF scan+

APF scan+ is the efficient scanning solution for a process reliable scanning history: The multi-functional scan workstation for automated and non-automated CEP parcel depots. Suitable for re-labelling in case of damaged labels or no read parcels. Thanks to the configurable workflows our scanning solution ensures reliable scanning in each working step. No matter whether Brexit Workflow, redisposition or bundling – APF scan+ masters each special case.

With the help of the integrated standard interface, the scanning data can be forwarded simply and flexibly as XML, ASCII, CSV, etc. to further systems such as accounting, tracking & tracing or disposition. Our extensive industry expertise and process knowledge enable an exact integration of APF scan+ to prescribed depot processes.

Usually no keyboard operation is necessary in the work process
Practical and intuitive operation for fast and perfect scanning
Monitor layout optimised for depot operation
APF scan+ for manual scanning at the infeed - with Easyinject, address validation, relabelling and many other workflows
Post-processing station for e.g. relabelling, Brexit or customs stop
Exact and flexible solution for process-reliable scanning data
  • Process-true support for the user at each workstation
  • Few working steps due to standard workflows
  • Simple instructions for action by the system in special cases
  • Easyinject ensures the scanning of foreign parcel service providers without the need to generate new labels
  • Support for a wide range of barcode scanners
  • Process-controlled post-label printing, for example in the case of redispositions
Reliable scanning for a high throughput
  • Configurable workflows simplify the complex processes with classic scan PCs
  • Intuitive operation for a smooth process of the prescribed processes
  • System available in 6 languages, new languages easy to implement
  • Smart admin control for monitoring and remote configuration of each individual workstation
Efficient and profitable
  • Reduced error rate
  • Correct accounting of all service codes thanks to flexible interfaces between scan events and accounting systems
  • Central evaluation possibilities of the individual workstations
  • High reliability by storage of the configuration data on several distributed systems
  • Cost-effective license model which can be used by several users without additional charges
Extensive service from AMETRAS
  • Operating hours 24/7
  • Service times up to 24/7 individually customisable
  • Proactive monitoring of all critical business services
  • Hotline staffed with competent specialists
  • Response times from 15 – 120 minutes customisable
  • Complete documentation of all service steps by multilingual helpdesk system
  • Clearly defined escalation levels
  • Special operations possible in addition to regularly agreed service times for peak loads

The scanning solution APF scan+ offers everything you need for a more productive working day:

Process workflows – configurable processes per workstation for simple and fast working

An easily selectable workflow which includes the entire process logic for this workstation can be stored for each workstation.

Following exemplary workflows are selectable:

  • No Read/manual processing
  • NC processing
  • System return
  • Redisposition
  • Input difference
  • Transport container
  • Customs inspection
  • Brexit
  • Special parcel handling
  • Easyinject
  • etc.
Standard functions – functional and simple instructions for the user

Standard functions can also be easily implemented. The focus is on high functionality and easy and quick detection for the operational depot staff.

A clear, coloured indication is given for the manual "pushing" of parcels.

Exemplary functions:

  • Parcel shop settlement
  • No read processing
  • Multi read recognition
  • Street input
  • Return management
  • Service management
Integrated concept – the AMETRAS Plus

There is still more: Optimise your processes fully.

Each workstation can communicate with the AMETRAS sorting solution APF sort+ without interfaces. This allows new sorting plans to be created at a touch of a button, for example for a Saturday sorting, second wave or adaptation of shift time models. Extensive dashboards allow partly in real time statements about the lifecycle of a parcel and the utilisation of the depot.

With the optional print and POD server rollout lists, parking permissions and receipted proofs of delivery can be further processed digitally.

Each customer service is quickly informed in real time of package relevant incidents at a touch of a button by the integration of the volume measurement system APF ident+ and the video solution APF video+.

Update management par excellence

Every IT administrator is glad about the fully automatic, integrated update function: if new updates or function releases are provided, this can be highly individually parameterised per workstation and version number.

It has been taken into account that it is also possible at any time to roll back updates again without causing problems with the complete functionality. The distributed configuration storage of each scan workstation ensures furthermore a highly stable operation which doesn’t turn into a disaster even by a sudden power failure.

Take advantage of the full process potential of your organisation and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Opt for the Plus! Choose the integrated services of the company AMETRAS vision.

Scanning required?

Configurable workflows ensure reliable scanning of every parcel - even in special cases such as Brexit or Customs Inspections.