Speeds up and simplifies sorting into the delivery vehicle - for optimal pre-sort conditions

APF van line+

With our innovation APF van line+, we provide best starting conditions for the challenging ‘last mile’ in parcel delivery. The solution concept focuses on the loading of parcels into the delivery vehicle, a process that usually takes place manually and is consequently time-consuming and work-intensive: On an LED display mounted above the parcel conveyor in the sorting hall, parcel information such as the delivery district, the route or the weight is indicated. The special feature here is that those indicators move with the parcel on the conveyor belt.

This creates ideal conditions for a pre-sort solution. Specially trained staff is no longer needed. The display is large and intuitive. Different colours and references help the depot staff or the carriers to sort the right parcel to the right place.

APF van line+ uses barcode cameras, encoders or PLCs to determine the exact parcel position on the conveyor belt and not only speeds up the sorting and loading process, but also makes the everyday work of the delivery staff easier.

Intuitive, ergonomic and easy to work with
  • No more time-consuming sorting. No knowledge of sorting logic necessary. No more inconvenient ring scanners to operate.
  • Even without detailed knowledge of delivery tours, the tour to which the parcel belongs is immediately apparent to the driver
  • The pick-up of the parcels from the conveyor belt by the delivery staff can be carried out in ergonomically natural movements - neither bending nor twisting of the hand for scanning is necessary
  • The display of additional information, such as overweight, also allows the driver to be prepared for back-friendly lifting of the parcels.
Flexible adaptation to individual customer requirements
  • Synchronisation of APF van line+ is also possible on roller conveyors
  • Also available for side-by-side parcels or parcels in bulk
  • Variable adjustment of the speed and flexible configuration of the display content allow an optimal adaptation to depot-specific processes
  • Customer-specific adaptation to e.g. a Saturday Delivery or 'Second Wave' possible
Efficient and profitable – for drivers and employers alike
  • Fast reaction to changes in routes possible
  • Easy training of temporary staff without logistical know-how
  • Time independence of the drivers from arriving at the delivery base within the loading time window. No more subsequent delays in the rest of the day.
  • Time saved in vehicle loading helps ensure that goods can be delivered on time – without exceeding the daily maximum working hours
Extensive service from AMETRAS
  • Operating hours 24/7
  • Service times up to 24/7 individually customisable
  • Proactive monitoring of all critical business services
  • Hotline staffed with competent specialists
  • Response times from 15 – 120 minutes customisable
  • Complete documentation of all service steps by multilingual helpdesk system
  • Clearly defined escalation levels
  • Special operations possible in addition to regularly agreed service times for peak loads

The Pre-Sorting Solution APF van line+ offers everything you need for a more productive working day:

  • Determination of the parcel position by means of barcode camera, rotary encoder or PLC
  • Synchronisation of APF van line+ is also possible on roller conveyors
  • Indicator moves with the package
  • Variable speeds possible
  • Flexible configuration of the display content
Process workflows - configurable processes per workstation for simple and fast work

For each workstation, an easily selectable workflow can be stored that contains the entire process logic for this workstation.

The following exemplary workflows can be selected:

  • No Read/manual machining
  • NC machining
  • System return
  • Reallocation
  • Input difference
  • Transport container
  • Customs inspection
  • Brexit
  • Special Parcel Handling
  • Easyinject
Standard functions - functional and simple instructions for the user

Standard functions can also be easily mapped. The focus is on high functionality and easy and quick recognition for the operational depot staff.

A clear, coloured indication is given for the manual "pushing" of parcels.

Example functions:

  • Parcel shop processing
  • No Read processing
  • Multi Read Detection
  • Street input
  • Returns Management
  • Service Class Management
Integrated concept – the AMETRAS Plus

There is still more: Optimise your processes fully.

If APF van line+ is used together with APF video+, efficiency-promoting KPIs can also be developed. Misloads are thus seamlessly documented and tracked.

With APF scan+, the times of a parcel's passage can be precisely determined and improvement measures can be initiated on the basis of daily deviations.

Take advantage of the full process potential of your organisation and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Opt for the Plus! Choose the integrated services of the company AMETRAS vision.

Optimise the Starting Conditions for Last Mile Delivery

Learn more about how easy it is to improve your pre-sort conditions with the help of APF van line+. Not only in terms of speed, but also from an ergonomic point of view!