Quick shipment research with smart video solution – completely browser-based

APF video+

Track your parcels in the depot and across depot boundaries completely browser-based. The video solution APF video+ enables an intelligent, automatic parcel tracking within seconds. In search of the whereabouts or the damage of the package find quickly and unerringly the location – even under poor visibility conditions. You immediately recognize when  parcels deviate from the regular process.

The smart video solution APF video+ contributes decisively to the optimisation and automation of the internal processes in the CEP depot and forwarding agencies.

Time savings
  • Fast shipment tracking thanks to optimised algorithms and powerful search function
  • Thanks to standardised interfaces in almost all common TMS systems, search terms such as employee, SAP reference number, order number, etc. can also be selected in the search.
  • Intelligent, browser-based frontend solution for fastest display and consistent images, even under extreme load
  • Reliable localisation even under poor visibility conditions thanks to high-resolution cameras with residual light amplifiers
  • Optional tracking reduces the search time in forwarding agencies and logistics systems by a multiple of times and enables an exact determination of the storage place or the pallet on the relation square.
  • Innovative features such as parcel jam detection, finding parcel throwers or the AI-supported allocation of unlabelled parcels relieve the depot staff enormously
Efficient and profitable
  • Individual configuration of individual cameras allows pin sharp pictures with a minimum of storage requirements. For optimum costs – without compromising the subject safety.
  • Completely browser-based solution without extra evaluation places or client installations saves money both for the purchase and the administration. The TCO is up to 30 percent lower compared to other systems.
  • Simple integration of existing analogue cameras into the new video solution thanks to cheap encoders, also available for HD resolutions.
  • Economical and cost-effective – with more than 400 connected cameras per server.
  • Variable financing or rental concepts for individual budgets.
Safe from hackers and internal attacks
  • The system will be subjected to regular penetration tests. During this process the APF+ software is checked in accordance with the safety-relevant standards according to the OWASP Top Ten Web Applications Security Risks.
  • This means that the user receives a tested safety and is largely safe from hacker attacks.
  • Simple and intuitive handling of the software.
  • The average duration of the training is only about half a day.
Extensive service from AMETRAS
  • Operating hours 24/7
  • Service times up to 24/7 individually customisable
  • Proactive monitoring of all critical business services
  • Hotline staffed with competent specialists
  • Response times from 15 – 120 minutes customisable
  • Complete documentation of all service steps by multilingual helpdesk system
  • Clearly defined escalation levels
  • Special operations possible in addition to regularly agreed service times for peak loads

The video solution APF video+ has been installed in more than 14 countries.

The close dialogue with users, managers and service staff makes sure that our solution offers correct answers to the various requests on video research.

The following features are results of customer requests and common workshops:

SmartSearch – intelligent forward function on mouse click

Do you know this situation? You are looking for a certain scene, such as an open door, a car on the company premises that is leaving the car park? Or a parcel that is no longer on the conveyor belt?

Usually, a game of patience begins now. You try to enter the search via a time stamp and you observe the scene until the movement you are looking for can be identified. A time-consuming task.

Not so with the SmartSearch function from APF video+.

The SmartSearch function allows to jump directly to relevant scenes with a mouse click. If needed, the area to be displayed can be narrowed down continuously.

SmartSearch enables the precise recognition of:

  • Parcel label number
  • Barrier opening
  • Parking of swap bodies
  • Use of emergency exits
  • Parking space occupancy
  • Monitoring of conveyor lines
Research – find exactly the sequences you are looking for

Finding instead of searching: our proven research frees up valuable time.

By entering any search criteria, suitable images are displayed within seconds.

With a mouse click, you can jump directly from any image to further processing.

Additional data sources can be flexibly linked to the search by means of standardised interfaces.

Possible search criteria are:

  • Consignment number
  • Barcode
  • Volume
  • SSCC number
  • License plate
  • Date and time
  • Consignor
FlexView – keep the overview

With FlexView, the inconvenient change from camera to camera is a thing of the past. This is a great advantage, especially when tracking has to take place over long distances.

The simultaneous image view of neighbouring cameras makes it possible to observe exactly how packages move from camera to camera.

Synchronisation with the map makes it possible to see at a glance where the displayed cameras are located.

By clicking on the active camera the display is adjusted.

FlexView provides an overview of:

  • Gate monitoring
  • Parcel histories
  • Track monitoring
  • Status detection of the conveyor line
  • etc.
Video editing – if one image is not enough

For quick and easy creation of a film from different sequences.

Already during the research, the intelligent recording function selects the right video sequences for a later film creation.

At the touch of a button, the pre-selection can be adopted - or the advanced functions of the professional editing programme can be used.

The function enables practical editing:

  • Extend and shorten clips
  • Add or remove clips
  • Change the order of the clips
  • Optional insertion of image information
  • And much more
Long-term archive – some searches come later

Clarifying insurance claims or documenting damage means additional work. Often, image material is still requested weeks or even months later. With our long-term archive, you are always able to provide information.

APF video+ optionally creates a long-term archive that stores important images for a longer period of time using a simple configuration.

This is particularly relevant for:

  • Insurance claims
  • Damage documentation
  • Proof of correct scanning
Data merging – smart data integration from external programs

Without interfaces, IT is worthless. However, interfaces can often be costly and a source for problems. Not so with APF video+: Thanks to the standardised approach and years of experience in the field of interfaces, the procedure is professional and highly efficient with manageable costs.

The data merging of external programs with images from APF video+ can take place in the millisecond cycle. This ensures that the right picture is assigned to the right event during a search.

Data can be integrated for example from the following programs:

  • Weighing systems
  • Measuring frames
  • Scanner
  • Scan server
  • Software applications such as ERP, TMS, Warehouse etc.
  • HR systems
Damage management – log damages immediately via tablet or scanner

The smart damage management helps to immediately log damages via tablet or scanner and to retrieve the images in the normal workflow of everyday video operations.

There is no need for a continuous WLAN connection. The system is intelligent enough to temporarily store the data and then automatically upload it to APF video+ when the WLAN signal strength is sufficient.

The documentation can be smoothly reported to insurance companies via suitable interfaces.

Suitable for:

  • Damage documentation
  • Status documentation of conveyor systems
  • Gate occupancy detection
Package launcher detection

Thanks to intelligent AI, people throwing parcels through the hall are detected and can be tracked down using a dedicated alarm function.

The throwing of packets is detected and this event can be displayed via e-mail, SMS message or as a special event in APF video+.

Intelligent assignment of labelless packages

Thanks to intelligent AI, even unlabelled parcels can, in many cases, be assigned.

When parcels are read and recognised for the first time at the I-point by means of a barcode, this image is stored for later comparison. If this parcel loses its label during its life cycle, even across depot borders, it is still possible to identify this label-less parcel again.

Further fields of application

APF video+ is a comprehensive video solution – not only for the tracking and tracing of flows of goods. The smart video management software has a wide range of applications and contributes to optimal workflows in the entire logistics environment.

Learn more here:

License plate recognition OCR – intelligent yard management

The reliable license plate recognition helps to control barriers, monitor parking spaces and design yard management.

All incoming and outgoing vehicles can be reliably recorded both during the day and the night. The barriers are controlled with corresponding white- or blacklists.

With one click, you can see which vehicles have not yet left and how long they have been in your yard.

Via the convenient FlexView function, the associated images can be displayed and thus all vehicle movements in the yard can be tracked.

Range of functions:

  • Blacklist license plate recognition
  • Whitelist license plate recognition
  • Barrier control
  • Recognition of 50 country codes, additions possible without problems
Object monitoring/access monitoring – video-controlled security assistant

With thermal cameras, burglars can even be detected at night. In combination with an intruder alarm system (EMA), the system becomes a fully comprehensive alarm reporting centre in case of trespassing.

Smart algorithms ensure that a crossing can be recognized also in terms of direction: So if vehicles or employees leave the yard, there will be no alarm. However, if a burglar enters the property from another position, a message is sent via SMS, e-mail or to a security service. Thus, it can be immediately checked whether or not there has been a burglary.

The object recognition of APF video+ reliably filters out small animals and birds flying by. This minimises false alarms and saves costs, as the security service does not have to become active.

Conveyor system backup – avoiding downtimes

Conveyor systems are indispensable in the daily business of the parcel service providers. Downtimes as well as jams or deadlocks must be avoided.

Cameras can provide important guidance at strategically important positions such as rockers, NC recognition or turntables: Should a package jam occur or problems keep occurring at a certain point, these can be detected with the integrated SmartSearch function. Subsequently, specific countermeasures can then be initiated to eliminate the problem.

Swap body condition recognition – AI-supported automated recognition

One of the challenges in swap body management is recognising which swap body is on the yard, where exactly it is and how long it is staying.

AMETRAS has created a module for the automatic recognition of swap bodies with AI support. With appropriate illumination of the entrance and the exit, cameras can be used to determine which swap body with which license plate is currently on the yard. In communication with the ACS swap body+ management, this can also be used to calculate rental times, among other things. This considerably simplifies the logistical process.

Integrated concept – the AMETRAS Plus

There is still more: Optimise your processes fully.

In addition to continued volume growth, the system diversity in many logistics organisations also contributes to serious problems in the operational process when errors occur.

If a weight or volume information, a consignment number or a parcel number is missing in tracking & tracing, the search for the cause can be very time-consuming and expensive.

AMETRAS vision knows the correlations and can localise errors across different systems such as scales, barcode readers, volume measurement systems or conveyor systems and can create solutions with the respective manufacturers as quickly as possible.

APF+ modules are connected to external systems via standardised interfaces and organisation-proven procedures. This simplifies the search for the causes in the event of an error and usually solves the problem efficiently. Customers achieve a trouble-free process, safe operation and highly efficient work processes. So that volume growth remains controllable.

Lean communication thanks to APF+

In addition, if more modules from AMETRAS are used, the AMETRAS Process Framework (APF+) streamlines the communication with one another.

Communication no longer takes place via interfaces, but only via services. This considerably simplifies the control and integration of the individual modules and ensures stable operation, fastest data exchange and simple troubleshooting.

Our highest goal is to design the systems in such a way that maximum performance and stability are achieved. Thus you can devote enough time to the most valuable asset of your organisation: Your customer.

Take advantage of the full process potential of your organisation and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Opt for the Plus! Choose the integrated services of the company AMETRAS vision.

Parcel damaged?

The integrated damage documentation enables digital data exchange with insurance companies and business partners.

Very easily via Tablet and Scanner.